Backup WordPress
Click one button to backup your site and ship it to the secure destination of your choice -- download it to your hard drive, email it to yourself, or even FTP the backup offsite
Backup WordPress to Amazon
Add extra protection to your WordPress backups: store them offsite on Amazon S3.
Enter your Amazon S3 access key ID and secret access key, then tell Backup Creator what bucket to back your WordPress site to, and Backup Creator does the rest
Backup WordPress to Dropbox
Add extra protection to your WordPress backups: store them offsite on Dropbox.
Login to your new or existing Dropbox account and Backup Creator automatically stores your backups in a private folder.
Backup WordPress to Google Drive
Add extra protection to your WordPress backups: store them offsite on Google Drive.
Login to your new or existing Google Drive account and Backup Creator automatically stores your backups in a private folder.
Schedule Automatic WordPress Backups
Set up your backup schedule one time and then let Backup Creator do the rest of the work for you. No files to upload, no cron jobs to setup, no FTP required. Just select your schedule and you're done.
Your automatic backups can run weekly, daily, or hourly -- and you choose the day and time.
Backup Your WordPress Site Where You Want
You decide where your WordPress site backs up to -- FTP, email, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Backup Creator cloud -- all in one click.
Choose all, none, or any combination.
"Works on Membership Sites Like a Champ!"
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I bought BackupCreator the other day because I needed a fast way to replicate a site I had created.
It worked like a champ and helped me replicate my entire membership site really fast.
So this is just a quick note of "thanks" and a virtual high five because the product kicks butt and you guys saved me a TON of time.
Nicely done!
Stu McLaren Co-Founder, Wishlist Member Stu.me
"I Can Recover My Sites Quickly & Change Hosting Companies"
I run 5 different websites that are the lifeblood of my business.
I depend on BackupCreator to make sure I am able to recover quickly from whatever happens AND can move sites at will should I want to change hosting companies.
This has to be one of the best investments I've ever made in a plug-in.
Mitch Russo Former President, Chet Holmes Co-Creator of "Business Breakthroughs" with Anthony Robbins InvisibleOrganization.com
"I Can Easily Restore At a New Host"
I use Backup Creator because I don't like the idea of trusting my backup to a service at host provider.
I like portability. If I leave my current web host, I can easily restore at a new host.
I was previously concerned about security, and related risk when it came to my website. I also had no backup plan. Backup Creator makes everything easy for me.
Gordon Isman BusinessVideoMarketing.ca
"Best, Most Reliable And Easiest WordPress Backup Plugin"
This is the best, most reliable and easiest backup plugin I have used (includes BackupBuddy, Duplicator, WP Clone)...
I used it on one of my sites that I flipped. Had watched the training videos, however, it is so intuitive that I really did not need the videos.
You do not have to be a "techie" to use. Simple instructions.
Databases are automatically created for you. Restoring/Migrating is a snap and very easy to do. Multiple backup options available and can be used concurrently.
Worked first time without any issues.
Robert Githens ChrismasToyNook.com
"Wickedly Simple For Us End Users"
Robert & Lance know business value.
This tool is wickedly simple for us end users (I'm guessing it might not have been as wickedly simple to create... LOL!)
Thanks for a fantastic addition to a Marketer's arsenal.
There's no excuse for any Internet Marketer / Blogger not owning this.
Bolaji Oyejide WhoisBolaji.com 9 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Backup Creator Is A Life Saver"
I installed Backup Creator on my site several weeks ago. Yesterday the company whose theme I use sent me an upgrade. I upgraded and to my surprise, all of my formatting was lost. Graphics, colors, column settings, everything. It took me the better part of two weeks to create all of this.
Luckily, I used Backup Creator before I installed the upgrade. I followed the directions and in less than 5 minutes my site was recovered and back on line! Backup Creator is a life saver.
Warren Hayford RatioWriter.com 4 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Much Better Than The Competition!"
You saved me 30 minutes just by using it once, as I get paid $50 an hour, this product is definitely worth it. Much better than WPTwin which I saw the video and looks like a pain to use (you need FTP, which is very last decade).
My only complaint is you should be selling it for $97 or more on your main site so you can make more money and reinvest that into the product and reward yourself for a good job. I'm glad I got it!
Martin Capodici SydneyWebGuy.com 7 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Changing The Way We Do Business"
My company manages hundreds of websites in the cleaning industry.
Your Backup Creator plugin is just what we needed. It's changing the way we do business.
I think it's one of the best advancements I've seen online in a while. Thanks for creating this thing.
John Braun HitManAdvertising.com 104 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Great & Easy To Use Cloning Plugin"
I just want to say thank you for creating such a great & easy to use cloning plugin.
Your service is fantastic!
Thank You!
Steve Dougherty WP3Guide.com
"You Have Over The Top Delivered A Super Product"
I am excited to get my sites off to a great start...backed up!
As a newbie, every precious moment counts. Having the right tools is a plus, not to mention, the great business opportunities you have opened up for me
Thanks guys, great plugin and as always, you have over the top delivered a super product!
Ann Moore MomInternet.com 11 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"It's Amazing! Everything Transfers Intact"
Guys!! It's amazing!!! Cloning instead of making new membership sites from scratch. which is what I used to do and that generated some procrastination, now I just clone it and transfer it. It's simply amazing how everything transfers intact!!!
Awesome product guys, thanks a bunch,
Juan Mitre BlogMasterTraining.com 12 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"In Literally 2 Minutes, I Had a Perfectly Cloned & Setup Blog"
This is exactly what I was looking for — Lance was super-quick with a download issue, seems their server is bursting at the seams with orders.
Literally 2 minutes after initial download, I had a completely cloned and perfectly set up blog … literally saving me at least 30 minutes of set up. When I combine that with the time it would have taken me to set up the dozens of sites I build each month — you get the picture. Worth its weight in gold!
Jenn Dize DollhouseSales.com 26 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Freakin Awesome"
I just backed up from my site http://mysite.com/customersite (I installed a wordpress installation under my own domain to let them see what they were getting)… when I restored it to their domain (http://customersite.com) EVERYTHING was fixed with all pointers regarding "mysite.com" removed….
Freakin Awesome... I figured I was going to copy and paste all the pages, pictures, etc… since I'm doing this part time, I figured about 2 nights of work…. NOT!!!)
This utility just paid for itself. Literally took about 5 minutes to complete.
Larry Tosten Tosten.com 5 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Really Truly Works As Advertised!"
I cannot believe someone created a WP Plugin to back up a WP site regardless of size and complexity! BUT, more important to me anyway - is that I am able to use it, I mean I'm not a coder/programmer, shit this is incredible - did I mention the most important part of the this plugin - it really truly works, as advertised.
Robert & Lance - all joking aside, I know enough to know this was no easy project to under take and you guys truly pulled it off!
Again thank you for all the fine work and then sharing it at such a value that I am able to use it!
Peter Trapanese HelpfulRelationshipTips.com
"I'm Impressed!"
Just wanted to say that I'm impressed!
Installed the latest version before doing some work on one of my sites for a webinar launch I gotta get done this week, and I LOVE the new feature that sends an email will all the relevant links. Sweet!
Gabrielle Fontaine VirtualBookkeepersGuide.com 17 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"One Of My Best Purchases This Year"
One of my best purchases this year. I'm building hundreds of evergreen and minisites over the next year or so and this will save me a ton of time and money. I was lucky enough to see the power and potential of buying this right away and got it for $7, incredible!!
I appreciate that you made us a version of backing up our sites that is very inexpensive (even now) and has so many applications.
Thanks again and I'm sure this will be a tool that I will be using for years to come.
Morris Murphy MobulIsNoBull.mobi
"Amazing How Fast It Works!"
I am using Hostgator, have backed up a number of wp sites at least three times with no problems.
It's amazing how fast this works. Twice when I backed up a pretty big site, the time on the back up file appearing in my email in box was within a minute to 2 minutes of when it was posted as backed up on my computer.
Your manual was so complete and easy to follow I was able to figure it out and do the back up the first time with no problems at all. Often I find techies are not all that good with explaining the how to of their tools. Not you guys. It was so clear and easy to use, it was done before I knew it.
Pat Wiklund TakeChargeAndMoveOn.com
"A Work of Genius"
I just cloned a site and restored via url. It was just magic my man.
Amazing plugin, moved clients site to their hosting server in 5 minutes, guys a no brainer, this a work of genius an essential plugin for anyone in online toolbox.
Thank you so much, excellent work
Haris Chechi SocialMediaOnline.net 28 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Absolute Breeze – Awesome"
Hi Robert,
Fantastic plugin, created a site that I needed to swap over to another domain, followed your step by step video, job done in less than 5 minutes, hadn't even opened it prior to doing this, an absolute breeze - awesome.
5 stars - No scrap that 101010
Tim Rees MidWebServices.com 2 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Platinum Level Support"
I just have to write and give a HUGE testimonial to Robert for the level of his support.
I am one of the purchasers who wanted to copy my blog from one of the less than popular hosts to one of the more popular hosts. To make matter worse, my blog is quite complex. I encountered problem after problem each time I went to make my backup copy. I reported this via the support desk and almost immediately I began receiving support including updates of the software.
It took several iterations before the problem was solved but Robert never stopped working to get it right for my site. The level of support has been stellar.
So, Robert, I say "Thank You" once again for support that is platinum level.
Eddie Durham InfiniteCashMachine.com 5 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Love It – Really Works Great"
One of the few things I have bought that REALLY works. just starting out, so going to set up a site and then copy, copy, copy!
Thanks really works great.
Carolyn Skipper Skipperworks.info 5 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Thank You!"
Thank you!
You have truly created one of the finest plugins I have ever used. I believe it is the first one that has ever been as simple to use at it was shown on the sales video.
Michael Scroggins MichaelScroggins.com
"Around 2GB in No Time"
I had problems backing a big site (around 2gb) but this latest updates did it in no time at all ... yeah!!!!
Serge Botans
"Congratulations, Great Product"
I really like this plugin, you can to save and to keep all information of your blog in few minutes in safe way.
Congratulations for this great product.
Miguel Medina TecnicasParaHablarEnPublico.com
"Works Like A Dream"
Excellent work, this has made my blogging addiction even more intense !!
Easy install, great training material and plugin works like a dream.
Gede Kencana AutoInsuranceZone.org 150 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"Looks To Be The Best Out There"
Hi Guys,
What a fantastic piece of kit, so easy to use and looks to be the best out there, superb.
So thank you for such a great tool and at a very reasonable price.
David Manning PluginMarketing.info 9 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
You guys are awesome.
Had a problem and your respond time to help me was phenomenal. Great product too.
Daniel Altman CarsWithDan.com 2 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
"One Of The Best WordPress Tools"
Now one of the 10 best software tools so far for WordPress!!! (don't know what the other 9 are)
David Povilaitis SonomaRealEstate4U.com 10 Blogs Protected with Backup Creator
You and Your WordPress Site Are Protected with Our Guarantee
If for any reason Backup Creator does not perform exactly the way we have described then simply contact us within within 30 days and we will immediately refund your purchase with absolutely no questions asked.

- Number of sites?
- Unlimited backup and restore?
- Backup and restore over Backup Creator Cloud?
- Automatic backup?
- Email backup as attachment?
- Backup and restore over FTP?
- Backup and restore over Amazon S3?
- Backup and restore over Dropbox?
- Backup and restore over Google Drive?
- Restore backup from browser upload?
- Choose what folders are backed up?
- Money Back Guarantee
- Updates and Support